100 років якості Farmak
Jun 25, 2014

Farmak told endocrinologists about Social Responsibility

Farmak presented its experience of social project implementation to participants of 58th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Ukrainian School of Endocrinology.

The presentation was delivered by Pavlo Lukashevych, Head of Hospital Medicinal Product Marketing Department at Farmak. The special event was held in early June in Kharkiv. The key organizer of the Conference was National University V. Ya. Danylevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology Problems of NAMS of Ukraine. In addition to Ukrainian experts, endocrinologists from Russia, Belarus, Moldova, and Azerbaijan also participated in the Conference.

Pavlo Lukashevych told the event participants about the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in operation of pharmaceutical companies (as exemplified by Farmak). He told doctors about Farmak’s program to set up diabetic foot rooms (the Company has been making the social investment in this area for more than 10 years) and repairs of endocrinology units, and such other initiatives of the Company as educational projects and support of sports events (such as Artistic Gymnastics World Championship).

As the audience of listeners consisted mainly of endocrinologists, the key emphasis was placed on social responsibility of Farmak in endocrinology.

Pavlo Lukashevych, Head of Hospital Medicinal Product Marketing Department at Farmak:

In a tough economic situation, growth in prices for medicines has become an important social problem of today. Therefore, we give special attention to affordability of medicinal products. We exemplified this as the difference in price for medicinal products manufactured by Farmak and competitors during the last 5 months. The price analysis shows that the cost of sugar-reducing agents and medicinal products for treatment of sugar diabetes complications manufactured by Farmak remained the same, while the cost of foreign counterparts grew by 30-65%. It is our belief that our approach towards pricing testifies to social responsibility of our Company in currently difficult times.

We should remind that since 1999 Farmak has been working together with Eli Lilly, US-based multinational corporation, the world leader in development and manufacture of insulins (Farmak manufactures insulins under Farmasulin trademark). At the end of 2011, the Company started manufacturing Farmasulins in-house using cartridges, the US partner’s technology.

In 2013, Farmak held 33.5% share in hospital sales of insulins in Ukraine in monetary terms (end-user prices).


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