100 років якості Farmak
May 17, 2013

Farmak JSC expands the range of injectable progesterones

A domestic manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, Farmak  JSC, expands the range of injectable progesterones in narrow fraction oily base. The newcomer was entitled Injesta Oxy. The product is manufactured in the form of solution for injection (12.5% 1 ml № 5).

Injectable progesterone has been used in global medical practice for therapy of sterility and threatened miscarriage for more than 45 years. The newcomer Injesta Oxy has the wide spectrum of indications for use in obstetrics and gynecology. These, in particular, include:

• therapy of habitual miscarriage;

• threatened miscarriage;

• sterility;

• therapy of dysfunctional uterine hemorrhages;

• therapy of amenorrhea;

• hyperplastic processes in endometrium, endometriosis.

Injesta Oxy is 12.5 % progesterone with prolonged effect. The product should be administered once a week only. This is convenient for women unable of receiving injections daily or every other day.

Alla Onysko, Farmak’s product manager: “Introduction of Injesta range of products (Injesta 1%, Injesta 2.5%, Injesta Oxy 12.5%) into doctors’ routine practice will enable solving urgent and charged issues of reproductive health of Ukrainian women, as, according to statistical data, frequency of miscarriage in Ukraine comprises 10-25% of all pregnancies.

Injectable forms of progesterone demonstrate predictable positive results of therapy of habitual miscarriage, i.e. assure precision of penetration of the required therapeutic dose of progesterone, necessary for pregnancy maintenance in progesterone-deficient women, into the body. Progesterone dissolution in narrow fraction oily base in the form of ethyl oleate assures painlessness of injection, uniform distribution of administered substance, and 100% bioavailability".

Use of injectable progesterones has high potential in Ukraine; it is regulated by pregnancy follow-up protocols of the Ministry of Health, recommendations on maintenance therapy of women after artificial insemination (IVF – in vitro fertilization by embryo transfer).

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