100 років якості Farmak
Aug 12, 2013

Farmak JSC opened a diabetic foot room in Bila Tserkva

With assistance of Farmak Charitable Foundation a diabetic foot room was opened in a new modern municipal endocrinology center, based on Bila Tserkva Town Hospital No. 2. Over 100 thousand hryvnias have been invested in the project.

The diabetic foot room of such type is unique in Kyiv region. It is equipped with a specialized pedicure chair, a special instrument kit for care and treatment of trophic ulcers and other complications of lower extremities of diabetics, a box for instrument sterilization, as well as the required furniture.

Currently, over 6 thousand diabetics are registered in Bila Tserkva (of 200 thousand inhabitants of the town). Every year the number of diabetics is increasing. Therefore, opening of the modern endocrinology center with diabetic foot room is of great value for Bila Tserkva.

Pavlo Dovgosheya, Marketing Consultant of Farmak’s Marketing Department for Hospital Medicines says, “The new municipal endocrinology center will serve not only the diabetics residing in Bila Tserkva, but also the patients from the seven nearest districts of Kyiv region. In the diabetic foot room the medical aid will be rendered by a surgeon and a nurse. On the whole, 10 doctors and 25 persons of nursing staff will be employed with the center. Every year about 1 200 patients will be able to attend medical examinations and receive aid in the center. The specialists of the center will give much attention to detecting the disease at early stage and preventing it”.

We remind that Farmak JSC actively supports the governmental diabetes treatment programs. Our Company is amongst the domestic insulin manufacturing leaders. At present about 25% of insulin-dependents in Ukraine take Farmasulins manufactured by Farmak JSC.


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