100 років якості Farmak
Jul 24, 2015

Farmak brought Lipster, a new brand product for Herpes treatment, to the market

Farmak JSC extended its product line with Lipster, a new brand product for treatment of labial and facial herpes.  The medicinal product is manufactured in 5% cream (5 mg) dosage form.

Lipster is a renewed and improved form of Acyclovir cream manufactured by Farmak JSC. The new drug is highly effective against Herpes Virus Type I and II.

Ivan Artemenko, Product Manager, Farmak JSC, says, “Every fifth person worldwide gets cold sore 2 to 10 times a year. And only 5% of people have resistance to Herpes Virus Type I and the reasons for such resistance have not been discovered yet.

And now we have Lipster, a drug, which will help the patients to control that common infection confidently.  Lipster quickly inhibits the activity of herpes and efficiently removes external signs of the infection.

It is worth mentioning that Lipster combats herpes both at the disease onset (recommended for disease prevention and treatment) and at later stages (when papules and blisters appear and the diseased is suffering from the developing infection).


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