100 років якості Farmak
Oct 30, 2023

Farmak entered the TOP 200 largest private companies in Ukraine

Recently, Forbes Ukraine published a rating of the largest private companies, 200 leaders of the Ukrainian economy. This year there are twice as many companies on the list, and an assessment of the activities of enterprises separately by industry is also presented. Among pharmaceutical manufacturers, the first place is occupied by the pharmaceutical company Farmak.

The rating participants were assessed according to the amount of revenue for 2022. Additional industry indicators include contribution to GDP, export share based on 2022 results and entrepreneurial sentiment in the industry for the first half of 2023.

In 2022, Farmak opened a new site for the production of nebula drugs, invested 20 million euros in the construction of a new production site in Barcelona, Spain, and launched 16 new products on the market.

In 2022, the company paid more than UAH 870 million to the state budget of all levels. in the form of taxes and fees. For Farmak, even during the war, the vector of movement towards innovation and constant improvement remains unchanged. Thus, in 2022, the industry leader invested in the development of its own production facilities in Kyiv and Shostka, Sumy region, the development of a new medicine, environmental projects, etc. about 1 billion UAH.

The company carries out its business activities in parallel with constant financial support for social initiatives and charitable projects aimed at helping the Army and the population that suffered as a result of the war. In total, the Zhebrivsky Family Charitable Foundation and Farmak have provided charitable assistance worth more than UAH 100 million since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine.

* The Zhebrivsky Family Charitable Foundation and the Farmak company are part of the activities of the Zhebrivsky family and carry out the family’s charitable and business activities.

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