100 років якості Farmak
Oct 20, 2021

Farmak has joined Coins for Children charity campaign

More than UAH 100,000 have been donated to treat children with cancer

The Coins for Children campaign has been organized by the Tabletochki Charity Foundation on the initiative of the National Bank of Ukraine. 25-kopeck coins have been withdrawn from circulation, but they were accepted by banks throughout Ukraine during September. The funds raised have been donated to help children with cancer.

The coins have been collected all over the country: in schools, offices, bank branches. Farmak employees have supported the campaign and organized the fund-raising at two plants: in Kyiv and Shostka. Due to the employees’ efforts, about 10 thousand coins have been collected. The Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation has also got involved in the campaign, transferring another UAH 100,000 for the treatment of children.

“It is hard to think that children who have just begun to live have to struggle against such a serious disease. But I am glad with all my heart that we can help. The Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation has been constantly providing support to those who face the disease. I am grateful that colleagues share our vision and also get involved in providing help,” commented Filya Zhebrovska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Farmak, Chairman of the Board of the Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation.

All funds raised by philanthropists will be used to purchase an ultrasonic scalpel for the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center in Lviv and consumables for the Department of Neurosurgery of NCSH Okhmatdyt. It will be used for major surgery in children with cancer and other diseases. This scalpel will reduce blood loss and the surgery duration. This will make children tolerate surgery better and recover faster.

“I would like to sincerely thank Farmak employees and the Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation for their empathy and charitableness. Your help will result in the most current treatment and a chance to recover for tens and even hundreds of children. One can hardly conceive of something more powerful than the opportunity to give a chance for a healthy life. Thanks to everyone,” said Yevhenia Nogovitsyna, Director of Fundraising Department of Tabletochki Charity Foundation.

The total amount of funds raised during the campaign is UAH 3 million.

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