100 років якості Farmak
Nov 03, 2020

Farmak launched crowdfunding site on Eco-School platform

Now eco-businesses can join the Eco-School and support students by funding their projects.


The Eco-School continues to extend. An online platform has recently been launched where businesses can select and support students’ eco-projects, and the teams that have been trained and submitted their projects to participate in the competition but have not been awarded mini-grants will be able to find sponsors and implement their ideas.


“Several years ago we started the mission of forming an environmentally conscious society by creating the Eco-School project. When it was extended to all over Ukraine we observed an acute problem of Ukrainian schools, especially schools in the regions (small towns, villages). They are neglected by public organizations, business and the country as a whole. After receiving applications for participation in the project, we saw the boundless creative potential of students and their desire to gain new knowledge and implement really significant projects. Selection is the most difficult thing in the Eco-School. The commission needs to select only three projects from a large number of applications and fund them. Other initiatives also deserve to be implemented. So we decided to involve society and business, to show people eco-projects that can change the world and find those who can finance them. In addition, the maximum project cost is UAH 25,000, and the minimum is UAH 10,000. This is not so large amount in terms of contribution to the strong foundation of our country’s ecological future,” said Olena Zubarieva, Head of the Corporate Communications and Sustainable Development Department of Farmak.

The “Waiting for a sponsor” tab presents all eco-projects submitted by students from all over Ukraine (https://ecoschool.com.ua/sponsoram.html). The companies that support children’s eco-initiatives will be awarded the Eco-School certificates for participation in the ecological culture formation in Ukraine.


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