100 років якості Farmak
Mar 23, 2021

Farmak supports active implementation of state incentives for manufacture of essential medicinal products

This issue was discussed on March 16, 2021 as part of the round table “International Trends in Expanding Access to Medicinal Products” organized by the Scientific Research Institute (SRI) of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Law Sciences (NALS) of Ukraine in partnership with the patient organization CO “100% LIFE”.


The specialists from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drug Control, the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, representatives of the domestic pharmaceutical industry (Farmak, Biopharma, Arterium and Vorwarts Pharma), as well as experts from specialized research organizations (Proxima Research International and International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC)) and researchers from Oxford Martin School (University of Oxford) and the SRI of Intellectual Property participated in the event.


The round table was aimed at highlighting the international trends in the liberalization of intellectual property rights in medicinal product protection due to the pandemic, technology transfer and the national pharmaceutical manufacturers’ potential to overcome these challenges, namely to provide the population with essential medicinal products.


During the event, Oleksandr Prokhorovych, Government Relations Manager of Farmak, noted that Ukraine needed to actively implement the world’s incentives of local manufacture of essential medicinal products, including vaccines. The most common incentives in the pharmaceutical industry are:


The event will result in the resolution and the suggestion to create a joint platform in order to join advocacy efforts for the purpose of developing amendments to legislation to ensure access to essential medicinal products during the pandemic.


Farmak has already publicly declared its commitment to manufacture essential vaccines during the pandemic, primarily against COVID-19, under license agreements with patent holders. The negotiations which are of strategic importance for the development of both the Company and the state are ongoing.

“Ми могли б виготовляти аналоги вакцин AstraZeneca та Moderna”, – виконавчий директор компанії “Фармак” Володимир Костюк

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