100 років якості Farmak
Mar 04, 2019

Corvalol by Farmak is most known sedative in Ukraine

As part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first release of Corvalol manufactured by Farmak, leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, the Ukrainian Book of Records has recognized Corvalol by Farmak as the most known sedative in Ukraine.

Corvalol by Farmak is a globally known medicinal product that has already become a part of history. Corvalol was developed and released in 1959 by the chemists of the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, successor of which Farmak JSC has been since 1991.

“Today we create the history of Farmak of the following years. The next generations will talk about the dynamics of our development, growth rates, innovations and achievements, and now we are trying to meet their expectations in future. While working, observing the principles of sustainable development, we create the future where our children and grandchildren will live. And we do not feel ashamed of what we do. Our consciousness and responsibility reflect this philosophy. Having created the up-to-date laboratories for synthesis of finished products, including biotechnological ones, we are able to release and provide our patients with new generics with more advanced technologies and different delivery methods. And it’s our priority. Today, Farmak is a national pharmaceutical manufacturer of the European level. We are an innovative generic company which produces nearly 20 new medicinal products annually. We have more than 220 product dossiers to date. But our portfolio includes the medicinal products on which the entire philosophy of the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant (now Farmak) is based. These are Diazolin, Corvalol, Naphtizin, Validol. These are medicines that first the plant and then Farmak manufactured end-to-end: from synthesis of the substance to release of finished dosage forms. Corvalol is our history and philosophy. That is why it is like a heirloom for us”, said Filya Zhebrovska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Farmak.

History of Corvalol

Pharmacy developed rapidly in the middle of 20th century. The volumes of drug production increased 20 times for 20 years (1940-1960).

It was decided at the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant   to develop technologies and create cardiovascular medicinal product similar to Valocordin that was manufactured in Germany. The drug was developed in 1959 by Senior Chemist of the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant Ya. Yakovleva. The first batch of Corvalol was released at the plant in 1960.    A generic of European sedative was know-how of that time.

At first, drugs were bottled and closed in a domestic semi-automated line. “Women washed vials standing in water in rubber boots. Everything was done by hand: bottling, closure and packaging, blister cards were also opened by hand”, recalls veteran of labour Alla Ivanivna Myronova. 58,000 vials of Corvalol were released in 1960. Renovation of the workshop and installation of German automated line commenced in 1960th.

More than 6.2 million vials of Corvalol were released in 1965.

In 1968, workshop No. 3 for manufacturing Corvalol, Naphtizin and injectable drugs in ampoules was put into operation.

In 1970, mass production of Corvalol was applied at the plant. Due to introduction of two automated lines, Corvalol and Naphtizin were included in the Ukrainian health care system. Annual release of Corvalol reached 50 million vials by 1975.

By the end of 1980, the estimated capacity of main production facilities was significantly covered: regarding Corvalol – more than 40 times. This medicinal product was in heavy demand throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1991, after Ukraine has gained independence, Farmak as a legal successor of the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant,   continued to release all medicinal products which were previously manufactured at the plant, including Corvalol. At that time, the applications for registration of trade names of several medicinal products, in particular Corvalol, as trademarks were filed to the State Patent Office of Ukraine. Farmak, as a legal successor of the Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, was directly engaged in the development, production, selling and image of these medicinal products in the market.

Farmak has been the only manufacturer of Corvalol in the former Soviet Union since 1991.

TM “Corvalol” is protected in 15 countries of Europe and Central Asia: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

The use of mark “Corvalol Corvalolum” is generally confirmed by the packages for the period from 1991 to 2002 inclusively.

Today, Corvalol is released in such dosage forms: oral drops, tablets, capsules.

Farmak has begun to manufacture Corvalol in tablets in 2013.

Since 2015, Farmak has started production of soft gelatin capsules that made it possible for the Company to enter the new segment of the pharmacological market and to release products in a consumer-friendly form. Corvalol N and Gliaton were the first medicinal products manufactured in the new line.

The Soft Gelatin Capsules (SGC) project became innovative not only for Farmak, but for domestic manufacturers as a whole.

Now, Corvalol is manufactured using Воsch, NEWMA, Pester pac automation, Trenkher.

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