100 років якості Farmak
Feb 19, 2021

New academic year in Farmak Eco-School

The new training season on the ecoschool.com.ua platform starts on February 22. Each 6-11 grade student may complete study and compete for mini-grants awarded by Farmak to the best three eco-projects

 Each student of the Eco-School gets the opportunity to study according to the latest world methods, gain profound knowledge of sustainability, and change environmental awareness. The training program includes lectures on energy conservation, climate change impact on the planet, relationship in nature. Training is held remotely and interactively.
The course includes 12 lectures with subsequent check-up tests. The webinars involving the best environmental experts of Ukraine will be organized during the academic year.

The preparation of eco-projects for eco-grants is an important stage of training in the Eco-School. Students learn the basics of project management to present their ideas to the jury. The financial support for implementation will be provided by JSC Farmak to three best eco-projects. All participants will be awarded presents and certificates from the organizers.

“In the context of sustainability, the Eco-School project has evoked associations with Farmak since 2018. It continues to unite students from all over Ukraine in their desire and aspiration to gain new knowledge in ecology and sustainable development without which it is impossible to build a successful career today. The rational use of natural resources on which the well-being of the world as a whole and the future of mankind depend has already become the main topic of major forums and events. We provide children with important and necessary information for their integration into adult life and the formation of an environmentally conscious society,” said Olena Zubarieva, Head of Corporate Communications and Sustainable Development Department of JSC Farmak.

Information about the project

The purpose of the Eco-School project is to unite and create a community of young environmental activists, promote environmentally friendly lifestyle among young people and raise awareness of resource and energy saving.

In 2018, the pilot of the Eco-School project was successfully implemented in Shostka, where the API manufacturing department of JSC Farmak is located. 9 schools of the city became its participants. Within the project, students in grades 8-11 took an 8-month educational course on global theoretical environmental issues and learned to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The best projects aimed at solving the environmental problems of a particular school were awarded the mini-grants from JSC “Farmak” for their implementation. The successful launch of the Eco-School project made it possible to broadcast to various parts of Ukraine, involving drivers of the environmental education movement, socially responsible business and, most importantly, the country’s caring, progressive youth. In 2018, the Eco-School project was included in the top 20 social projects in Ukraine.

In 2019, Farmak expanded the boundaries of the Eco-School environmental project and included 10 schools in Kyiv. A unique textbook was developed for schoolchildren, which absorbed the most important and important issues facing the world today. The manual “Eco-School” has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

On September 1, 2019, Eco-School became a national project and covered the whole of Ukraine launching an online platform https://ecoschool.com.ua.


The Eco-School has more than 1,200 registered students from all over Ukraine. More than 25 cities, towns and villages participated in the final mini-grant competition in 2020.

In 2020, the National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” joined Farmak Eco-School project.


Implemented projects:


Awards of the Eco-School project:

  1. Finalist in the category “Planet”, Partnership for Sustainability Award 2019.
  2. The Top 10 projects of sustainable development of Ukraine according to the magazine “TOP-100. Rating of the Largest”.
  3. Award of the UN Global Network – Green Business Ukraine.
  4. Top 20 companies with the best socially responsible practices according to the results of the weekly “FOCUS”.
  5. Eco-School is one of the best eco-projects of ECOtransformation.

Please visit the Facebook page @EcoschoolFarmak or the website ecoschool.com.ua for details


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