100 років якості Farmak
Oct 25, 2018

Farmak JSC is in TOP 200 of largest employers of Ukraine

“RATING. Business in Official Figures”, the periodical of the State Fiscal Service, published a rating of employers of Ukraine. Farmak JSC is in Top 200 of the rating.

People are one of the core values of Farmak. The company’s headcount is more than 2,500 people. All employees receive competitive and official wages and are socially protected. Everyone has a health insurance. The company regularly assigns employees for trainings, both in Ukraine and abroad. Farmak has ongoing staff development projects: “Young Leader’s School”, “Manager’s Development School”, “Leadership School”. Farmak also cooperates with field-specific higher education institutions in Ukraine. This provides professional and career development opportunities for its staff. More than 80% of managerial vacancies are filled with internal candidates. Today, Farmak employs 45 candidates and doctors of science.

Farmak has a corporate library: the only library being part of a pharmaceutical company in Ukraine. To date, it has about 9,000 publications. Since 2012, IRBIS software has been used in the library.

“Farmak is attractive as an employer, primarily because it is a transparent and responsible company. We care about our employees. We train our employees, provide career opportunities. We want talented people to live and work in Ukraine, develop its economy and industry. That is why, we ensure that our wages are higher than the market average. Over the past five years, the average salary at Farmak increased 2.3 times”, said Volodymyr Kostiuk, Executive Director of Farmak JSC.

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