100 років якості Farmak
Dec 21, 2012

Farmak’s Employees Help the Orphaned Children

In December, 2012 Farmak’s employees participated in the charity campaign. They gathered the things for the orphaned children. Thanks to their joint efforts there have been gathered about 350 units of winter things (hats, mufflers, mittens, socks etc.).

Filya Zhebrovska, Farmak’s Director General, says: “I am thankful to all the employees who didn’t keep away from this charity campaign and showed their active participation. From now forth the similar events as an element of our social responsibility will be a constituent part of Farmak’s activities. The employees’ active involvement in the company social initiatives is very important for us. This confirms that we have chosen the right way.

“All the things have been delivered to three orphanages for the children to receive as gifts to Saint Nicolas Day. Thanks to our employees’ desire to help the children deprived of the parentslove and care the orphaned children have the warm winter things they greatly need”, – Olexiy Yatsuk, Farmak’s Corporate Social Responsibility Manager and the Supervisor of the charity campaign,  thanks to everybody who participated in the charity campaign’.

This is one of the first campaigns arranged thanks to joint efforts of Farmak’s employees. We hope that from now forth the arrangement of the similar events will be a good tradition of our company.

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