100 років якості Farmak
Nov 07, 2016

The Foster Grandchildren wins a number of ADC * UA Awards

The Social project of Farmak Company designed to support the lonely older people "Foster Grandchildren" won two silver and one bronze prizes at the ADC * UA Awards Competition.

The social project Foster Grandchildren was initiated by Farmak in honor of its 90th anniversary in conjunction with the Red Cross Society of Podil district of Kyiv. It aims at improving the living conditions of the elderly and their reintegration into the society. The Project was supported by the Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration.

Within the framework of the Project there was published a book of memoirs about the capital of Ukraine "To Live. Understanding Kyiv" written by 22 Kyiv centenarians. Publication allowed the oldest Kyiv residents to pass their valuable experience to new generations.

The book "To Live. Understanding Kyiv" is available at bookstores. This edition is charitable. All proceeds from its sale shall be directed to the Red Cross Society of Podil district of Kyiv to support the lonely older people.

Filya Zhebrovska, Farmak CEO: "We believe that the elderly involvement into social life is very important for their health. It is well known that old people, continuing an active social life, bringing up grandchildren or having hobbies in retirement, look younger and feel healthier. And lonely, isolated ones usually fade quickly because of a feeling of abandonment and worthlessness. Moreover, preservation of the cultural heritage and adoption of valuable life experience of seniors is useful for the social development as a whole."

ADC*UA Awards is an annual competition of the best Ukrainian ads and communication designs. This is one of the most influential Ukrainian national advertising competitions determining the trends and revealing the talents. It is organized by the Art Directors Club Ukraine (ADC * UA).

Winning the ADC * UA Awards competition is not the only trophy of the Foster Grandchildren Project. It also was awarded by the festival WOW DONE AWARDS 2016, VIII International Festival of Advertising and Marketing "White Square", Kyiv International Advertising Festival, and the International Pharmaceutical Exhibition CPhI Worldwide.

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