100 років якості Farmak
Nov 30, 2022

 The role of pharmaceuticals in the post-war recovery: Farmak joined the Kyiv Investment Forum in Brussels


On November 28, the capital of Belgium hosted the annual Kyiv Investment Forum, which is a platform for discussing the implementation of projects and attracting investments. This year, Kyiv’s post-war reconstruction is in the spotlight in three key aspects: resilience, innovation, and sustainable development.

The capital of Ukraine is the center of the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to the industry leader Farmak, other key manufacturers with extensive experience, professional teams, and advanced technologies are also located here. In addition, this summer the pharmaceutical industry was recognized as one of the 7 priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy. This means that now the state will actively support projects for the development and attraction of investments for pharmaceutical production.

“During the recovery of Ukraine, it is especially important to focus on industries with high added value, on smart industries. And until February 24, the IT sector was in the spotlight in Ukraine. Ukrainians have achieved success in this, Kyiv has become a major hub for IT ideas. I can say that the pharmaceutical industry, which uses advanced IT solutions in its production and R&D, has no less potential than the information technology sector,” says Farmak Director for Corporate Communications Yevgeniya Piddubna.


First during the pandemic, and now during the war in Ukraine, we have seen how important it is to have a highly developed healthcare system, and, of course, access to medicines – physical and financial. The only way to do this is to develop a strong and independent pharmaceutical industry within the country.

In order to guarantee the resilience, innovation, and sustainable development of Kyiv and Ukraine as a whole, it is important today, when planning the post-war reconstruction, to focus on knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. We are sure that the pharmaceutical industry should become one of them.

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