Sep 16, 2019

Parliament adopted a bill on the purchase of medicines through international organizations:

On September 10, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in first reading adopted bill No. 1076 on amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” and some other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the improvement of public procurement. 351 members of parliament voted for the adoption of this bill as a basis and with a shorter revision period. Before consideration in parliament, the President of Ukraine identified this bill as urgent.

Among other things, it proposes to state in a new version the Law of Ukraine dated 12.25.2015 No. 922 “On Public Procurement”. In particular, the new edition does not contain provisions on the procurement of medicines and medical devices on the basis of contracts with specialized procurement organizations – international organizations that currently procure in accordance with the Law of Ukraine of March 19, 2015 No. 269, which allows purchases involving international organizations until March 31, 2020. The adopted bill contradicts the already existing law, however, since this is only the first reading, in preparation for the second reading, MPs can make a difference on the mechanism of medicines procurement.

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