100 років якості Farmak
Jul 06, 2021

5 school projects will be implemented as part of the Eco-School

Another academic year at the Eco-School has come to an end. The students studied the topics of energy conservation, climate change, biodiversity, etc. and learned the basics of project management. Students who completed the full course prepared their own projects for their schools. Traditionally, Farmak that has launched the project awards the graduates and gives mini-grants to implement the best ideas. This year 5 projects will be implemented in different parts of Ukraine.

“Another academic year has come to an end for the students. The holidays and the implementation of school applications are ahead. We are delighted that dozens of students have received new knowledge and will be able to apply it by implementing their own ideas. Recuperators, solar panels, environmental labs, fountains will be installed in schools, due to the efforts of the students. The ideas they came up with and we supported. “We believe that the small victories of our students today will inspire them to expand their ideas in the future,” says Yevheniia Piddubna, Director of Corporate Communications at JSC Farmak.

The project “A Schoolyard as a Mirror of My Neighbourhood” developed by the students from Polonne in Khmelnytskyi region took the first place. The plan is to develop a solar tree within the gymnasium grounds. The tree will be made from environmentally friendly materials and will be equipped with solar panels. Benches will be placed underneath its branches, and there will be outlets for charging phones and tablets. The project also includes the development of a board with information on Red Listed animals and plants of Khmelnytskyi region. The team receives UAH 25,000 for the project and mentorship by experts throughout the project implementation.

The second place was taken by the students from Dubrynychi village in the Zakarpattia region. “EcoLab for All” project, which aims to build a space for environmental research at school.

A team from Ladyzhyn, Vinnytsia region “Recuperation. Energy saving”, placed third. The project envisages the installation of heat recuperators in school classrooms.

The projects “GreenSchool Eco-Lab” from Zaporizhzhia and “Non-contact Drinking Fountain with Dispensing Module into a Bottle” from Shostka were awarded with additional grants.

“We are pleased that schools, both in big cities and small villages, see the problems related to the environment. And most importantly, they are ready to take action. From learning more about these issues while studying at the Eco-School to developing their own projects. We want children to understand and feel from their own experience that their opinion matters, that they are influential, that they are agents of change”, comments Oksana Kravchenko, Executive Director of the NGO “Ukrainian Ecological Club “Green Wave”

The Eco-School project has been implemented by JSC Farmak in cooperation with the NGO “Ukrainian Ecological Club “Green Wave”.

About the project

Eco-School is a free online learning platform, designed for pupils of 6-11 grades. The course includes lectures, practical assignments and writing and defending one’s own projects.

The Eco-School aims to promote environmental knowledge among young people and draw attention to environmental protection issues. The project has been implemented by JSC Farmak in cooperation with NGO “Ukrainian Ecological Club “Green Wave”. For more information about the project, please follow the link.


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