100 років якості Farmak
Dec 22, 2014

Children of Farmak’s employees to join the Company’s environmental initiatives

Children of Farmak’s employees joined the environmental initiatives adopted at this pharmaceutical company. The kids made the Christmas decorations from the recycled materials to dress the Christmas tree in Farmak’s hall.

Farmak has a number of environmental initiatives and activities aimed to improve the environmental culture and reduce the consumption of natural resources. In particular, two years in a row the Company has been partnering the environmental event, Making Ukraine Clean, in Kyiv, and this year also in Shostka (Sumy region). Moreover, the Company implements the “green office” principles.

Farmak decided to involve the children in its “green” initiative. The contest of Christmas decorations from the recycled materials was announced just before the New Year Holidays. Toys made by the children were used to decorate the Christmas tree at the plant entrance.

Marko Lavrukh, Head of PR sector, Farmak, says, “This initiative was widely supported by the children of Farmak's employees. About 100 children aged 2 to 16 years took part in the contest. The variety of decorations and the kids’ imagination is impressive: fairy-tale characters made of light bulbs, curly sheep made of plastic bottles, golden and silver bells made of yogurt bottles, snowmen made of plastic cups, Father Frost and Snow Maiden and others. And countless number of lambs – symbols of the year 2015.

The parents also actively helped their children through advice, ideas, and some of them took an active part in making the toys as well. We are pleased that our contest has become a way to enhance the children's environmental awareness”.

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