100 років якості Farmak
Nov 29, 2013

Farmak shared its experience in Project Management with the Ukrainian business

Farmak shared its experience in project management during the 7th Annual Project Management Forum 2013 “Project Management: Reloaded”.

The event took place on 21-22 November at Rus Hotel in Kyiv. The representatives of Ukrainian business entities and banking institutions shared their experience and advanced practices in project management. In general, over 200 experts in project management and business owners took part in the Forum. Olena Glushenok, Head of Projects Management Department, presented Farmak’s experience.

Olena Glushenok, Head of Projects Management Department of Farmak, says, “I have shared Farmak’s experience with the colleagues for solving the issues connected with introduction of the project management in non-project companies. This subject aroused a keen interest. This is due to a variety of the issues concerning the separation of the projects from the processes and determination of the mechanism of company’s processes and projects management at a time. A certain part of the report referred to attaining the company’s strategic objectives through projects. After the strategy is formulated in the form of specific objectives, the project portfolios and the particular projects included in these portfolios are determined at the lower hierarchy level. The portfolio management connects the strategic management and the project management. This subject was also very interesting for the Forum participants and for me, as far as, this direction represents our plans for development in the nearest time. I consider such events as good grounds for sharing practical experience. The Forum gives answers to the topical issues, and inspires to work and move forward”.

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