100 років якості Farmak
Feb 26, 2021

Farmak has updated its Anti-Corruption Program

Farmak, as the domestic pharmaceutical market leader, the largest taxpayer and exporter in the industry, strives for maximum openness and strict adherence to the principles of integrity and transparency.

That is why the support and cooperation of our key partners are important for us. Today, consistency and transparency in business are no longer a kind of whim or a tribute to fashion. They are demanded by the times when honest practices become one of the biggest competitive advantages both in Ukraine and abroad.

To strengthen our position, Farmak has updated its Anti-Corruption Program. And today we would like to request you to review the following key provisions:

  1. In accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the internal regulations of the Company and the concluded agreements (contracts) containing anti-corruption clauses, each Party, its affiliates, employees or agents undertake not to take any actions to induce employees of the other Party and third parties, in any way related to the Agreement, including by providing funds, gifts, gratuitous works (services) and other ways not specified herein, binding an employee or a third party somehow and forcing them to take any actions in favour of the inducing Party, its affiliates, employees or agents.
  2. The actions of an employee or a third party taken in favour of the inducing Party, its affiliates, employees or agents include the following:

In case of suspicion that any provision of this section of the Agreement has been or may be violated, the Party concerned undertakes to notify the other Party in writing.

If you have any information about unlawful actions of Farmak employees, you can report at:

e-mail – trustline@farmak.ua

phone – (044) 496–89–28

*anonymity is possible

website https://farmak.ua/forma-inczidentu/

*anonymity is possible


To review the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Program of JSC Farmak please visit: https://farmak.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/antikorupczijna-programa-at-farmak_r-2.pdf


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