100 років якості Farmak
Mar 17, 2021

Farmak joined two leading business associations

In 2021, the Company has joined the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) and Ukrainian Business & Trade Association (UBTA).

Farmak’s membership in these business associations will bring new opportunities for more active promotion and protection of the Company’s interests in cooperation with both state bodies of Ukraine and EU regulatory authorities.

As part of cooperation with organizations, representatives of member companies have the opportunity to learn about regulatory developments, make suggestions for draft laws and regulations with further communication of the consolidated position of the association to the state developer, as well as participate in the issue-related events organized by the associations.

Farmak is also a member of the following business associations: Association “Manufacturers of Medications of Ukraine” (AMMU), Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP), European Business Association (EBA), Association of Organizations of Employers of Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine (OORMMP), Taxpayers Association of Ukraine (TAU), Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) and Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI), Medicines for Europe, Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT).

Background information:

FEU is an association of Ukrainian business founded in 2002. It has been successfully representing and protecting the business interests both in Ukraine and internationally for 18 years. Today the Federation unites almost 100 sectoral and regional organizations of employers representing the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine, such as machine building, automotive, metallurgy, aerospace and defense industries, agro-industrial complex, chemical industry, IT, media industry, fuel and energy industry, medical and microbiological industry, construction, transport and infrastructure, retail and logistics, light and food industries, tourism, utilities, services sector.

 UBTA is a platform that brings together export-oriented Ukrainian businesses as its members and partners to credibly represent their interests both at the institutions of the European Union (EU) and within the European business community. By communicating the Association’s unified position in one strong voice and supporting its activities from a resident representative office in Brussels, UBTA seeks to build trust in Ukrainian exporters. The UBTA members and partners are leading Ukrainian companies and associations including active international business players, who seek enhancing their export opportunities by using the UBTA potential.

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