100 років якості Farmak
Oct 29, 2019

Farmak promotes the revival of Ukraine’s cultural and spiritual her itage


The investments in the spiritual education of Ukrainian society continue

On September 29, the newly built Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was consecrated. The Church was restored by the Zhebrivski family and the religious community of Nemyryntsi village, Ruzhynskyi District, Zhytomyr Region.

It was founded in Nemyryntsi on May 12, 1826, and in a year, on September 27, 1827, the first service was held in the newly erected church.

The church continued functioning even during the First and Second World Wars and the Revolution of the early 20th century. But in 1963, during another outburst of propaganda of Soviet atheism, the church in Nemyryntsi was closed and the building was used as a warehouse. In the 1980s, the building of the church was destroyed.

In October 2015, due to the contribution of the Zhebrivski family and the village religious community, restoration of the church started. On September 29, 2019, the first service was held in the renovated church. The rite of consecration of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Divine Liturgy was performed by the Celebrant of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Blessed Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Epiphanius, in the co-service with the bishopric and the clergy.

“Spiritual and cultural education is our foundation. Our core. Our national identity. People with faith in their hearts are great people capable of doing great things. And we are Ukrainians – a great spiritually enriched nation with the inner strength that helps to withstand the most difficult times. We all need faith. Belief in God, in a strong independent state. In the future. Belief in ourselves. People, especially children, need to hear the God’s word. This makes their world view better. Therefore, my family and I consider the restoration of the ancient church in Nemyryntsi, my homeland, an important task. Which we, with God’s help, coped with. And despite the fact that my family and I are Catholics, we participate in the revival of the Orthodox Church because we understand the importance and significance of this event for Orthodox residents of the Ruzhynskyi District and all Orthodox Ukraine”, said Filya Zhebrovska, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Farmak”.

The church was rebuilt in its original form, using the modern building materials and state-of-the-art technology. The architect of the project is Oleksii Breus.



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