100 років якості Farmak
Jan 11, 2021

“Smart” souvenirs from Farmak

Сувенирная продукция Фармак

It will be possible to learn the history of things due to the exclusive Science Inside promotional products

On the occasion of its anniversary, Farmak has released a series of unique promotional products, including notebooks, pens, vacuum flasks, thermal mugs, caps, T-shirts, bags, globes, etc.

One can learn the history and interesting facts about each item by scanning QR code.

“Years of experience are behind the development of usual household items. Science is everywhere, even in the items used every day. We use notebooks, pens and other things every day without thinking about who have invented them and when. For instance, prior to the commercial production of notebooks which has started in the second half of the 19th century with the paper press machine improvement, notebooks were manually sewn using sheets of paper, often by the prospective user. By launching this series of promotional products, Farmak aims to increase public interest and encourage to study the history of things.

Farmak understands the importance of supporting Ukrainian scientists and encouraging young people to pursue a passion for science. The powerful Ukrainian scholarly traditions should become a national highlight at the international level and a competitive factor in the global world. The systematic government approach can make it possible for Ukraine to become one of the world’s R&D centres. The annual investment of the Company in R&D amounts to approximately USD 15 million. Farmak annually launches up to 20 new multi-component medicinal products. The Company closely cooperates with the country’s leading higher institutions. Farmak has signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Junior Academy of Sciences and has become a partner of the Museum of Science. On the occasion of the Company’s 95th anniversary, we have published the book “Bude tobi nauka” (in Ukrainian: «Буде тобі наука» (That will be science for you) about the scientists who have changed the world with their inventions,” said Olena Zubarieva, Head of the Corporate Communications and Sustainable Development Department at JSC Farmak.


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