100 років якості Farmak
Dec 13, 2022

Working sustainably, reporting transparently: Farmak published a report on sustainable development for 2021

Despite all the horrors of war, the company continues to strictly adhere to its commitments in the field of sustainable development. The other day, Farmak published its annual report for 2021, which provides information on the observance of high standards in several areas: the environment, human rights, employment relations, anti-corruption, social projects, and charity.



Farmak is working to reduce the environmental impact of its production sites. A thorough approach to the environmental management system helps to improve performance in this area every year.

In the reporting year, the company carried out the modernization of treatment facilities in Kyiv and Shostka for better wastewater treatment. Thanks to a set of organizational and technical measures, in 2021 it was possible to reduce the consumption of natural gas, electricity, and water.

Reduced consumption*:

Natural gas – by 9.28%
Electricity – by 15.56%
Water – 27.91%

Employees of the company collect office waste paper and batteries. During the reporting year, 185 kg of batteries and 8176 kg of waste paper were collected.

Human rights, employment relations, anti-corruption

Farmak conducts a transparent business and operates exclusively in the legal field, the company has implemented an Anti-Corruption Program, regulated the practice of accepting and giving business gifts, and created an anonymous Trust line.

Farmak pays special attention to creating safe working conditions at every workplace, preserving life and health, and protecting the rights of employees. The company guarantees employees social protection and compliance with labor laws, which is taken care of by the Collective Agreement and the company’s labor union.

In the reporting year, a comprehensive program of measures was carried out to improve working conditions, increase the level of fire safety and production safety, and the level of knowledge of employees, and actions were taken to prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases. More than 19 million UAH were allocated for the implementation of a comprehensive program of labor protection measures.

Social projects

The company and the Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation are actively involved in charitable and social projects, as well as developing a culture of volunteering within the company.

Since 2019, the company has been a member of the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine**, and introduced the principles of sustainable development into the corporate culture and business processes of the company. Volodymyr Kostiuk, Executive Director of Farmak, is a member of the Supervisory Board of the UN GC Ukraine.

“Each company contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We hope that the main Goal No. 16 “Peace and Justice” will be achieved as soon as possible. After all, a war in one country makes it impossible to build a peaceful and just society throughout the world,” says Volodymyr Kostiuk.


Detailed information can be found in the report at the link.

*Energy consumption per hryvnia of manufactured products compared to 2020

**The UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine is the official representative of the UN Global Compact (United Nations Global Compact) global network.

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