100 років якості Farmak

Mar 18, 2021

Hryhorii Kostiuk, member of the Supervisory Board of Farmak, has been awarded the title of “Honoured Worker of Pharmacy of Ukraine”


In accordance with Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 24/2021 On Granting State Awards on Occasion of the Unity Day of Ukraine Hryhorii Viktorovych Kostiuk, member of the Supervisory Board of Joint Stock Company Farmak, has been awarded the title “Honoured Worker of Pharmacy of Ukraine”.

The award has been granted for significant personal contribution to the state building, strengthening national security, socio-economic, scientific and technical, cultural and educational development of Ukraine, significant labour achievements, many years of dedicated work.

Hryhorii Kostiuk has been a member of the Supervisory Board of JSC Farmak since June 30, 2017. He is a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board, the Development and Marketing Committee. He chairs the Investment and Science Committee of the Supervisory Board.

Hryhorii Kostiuk joined Farmak team in 1998. He started his work as Deputy Technical Director for Production Preparation and Operation, then he worked as Technical Director.

His responsibilities included solving the issues of technical re-equipment strategy and determining the directions of the Company’s technical development. In addition, his responsibilities included ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions, monitoring the timely implementation of technical projects; control and management of the Company’s activities in development, research and registration of new medicinal products, as well as the launch of new manufacturing facilities, laboratories, reconstruction and retrofitting of existing ones. Under the leadership of Hryhorii Kostiuk, 14 new pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities have been launched at the Company.

Hryhorii Kostiuk is an author of 25 scientific articles.

He was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

He graduated from the Energy Faculty of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

In 2008 he graduated from the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv) with honours.

In 2009 he acquired the degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

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