100 років якості Farmak
Jun 03, 2020

Fire fighters held training sessions in Shostka

In May, the API Manufacturing Department held annual lifeguard training sessions during which 16 participants put the simulated fire out.


The 2nd state fire and rescue squad of the Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Sumy Region held its annual training session in Shostka, in the territory of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Manufacturing Department, under emergency supervision. During training, 11 fire fighters, together with 5 representatives of the Company, brought the simulated fire under control, reviewed the road map, the location of buildings and fire hydrants. The total duration of the training was more than an hour, with 5 pieces of special equipment involved.

“The capacity and the availability of fire hydrants had been checked the day before. Service specialists checked the condition of the water supply network and the fire hydrants and found them operable,” said Pavlo Platsynda, Occupational Health Engineer, after the training had been finished.


In accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, an employer is obliged to provide the employees with comfortable and safe working conditions. The Company cares about each employee and makes every effort to ensure appropriate working conditions for each Farmak employee to feel secure while doing their job. Farmak makes the treatment with effective and quality medicinal products possible. About 20 new medicinal products are annually launched into the market, and about 110 medicinal products are under development. These are multi-component modern products that are required by millions of people, both in our country and abroad. They are based on the active pharmaceutical ingredients manufactured in the territory of the Department in Shostka. The manufacturing process is complex and sometimes dangerous because it requires the usage of various chemical substances and relevant equipment. However, if to act responsibly and to take preventive measures, in particular, the special training of the personnel, the risks are mitigated.


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