The first story, about the usual fatal disease

It is a very common disease and probably that’s why many people do not take it very seriously. Meanwhile, according to WHO, from 290 to 650 thousand people die annually from influenza. At the same time, up to 5 million people suffer from it in serious form.

There are especially severe varieties of influenza. The “Spanish influenza” pandemic, caused by the virus (A/H1N1) just over a hundred years ago, has claimed up to 50 million lives by various estimates.

Speaking of a pandemic, there are a few words to say about the classification of influenza. There are four types of influenza: A, B, C and D. In the latter, people do not get sick at all, and influenza C usually causes a mild disease. A and B regularly cause epidemics – the major troubles are associated with them, while at the same time the influenza A is particularly insidious.

The fact is that in addition to people, animals are sick with it: pigs, horses and birds – both wild and domestic. It happens that during close contact, for example, if a person works on a farm, he or she can catch such influenza from an animal. The disease can run easily, or may be in severe form, and even cause death.

The second story, about a terrible but defeated enemy

First there is fever, headache, severe weakness and severe back pain, may be vomiting. On the second or third day, the fever subsides and there is a rash. The next thing is the most difficult and dangerous. If you are under 40 years old, then you have definitely not faced with this disease, except that you have seen old photos of patients – not for the faint-hearted people to see.

Smallpox is a special disease. Because it has brought many troubles, more than any other, and because it is the one (so far) that mankind has managed to overcome completely.

The third story, which is not yet over, but gives hope

If mankind can overcome some other infectious disease in the nearest future, as overcame the smallpox, it will be poliomyelitis.

The virus that causes it is very easily spread by faecal-oral means. Approximately 90% of people endure the disease without any symptoms or very easily. But one in 200 patients develops permanent paralysis, and it can happen in just a few hours. 5-10% of these people die from paralysis of respiratory muscles. Children under 5 years of age suffer most from poliomyelitis.