Farmak received an award from CSR Ukraine for the best social projects


In April, CSR Ukraine*, with the support of EY in Ukraine and Global Giving, held an annual national award that recognizes projects aimed at implementing the sustainable development goals. Two corporate social projects of the Farmak company received distinctions at once. The company was awarded for the uninterrupted supply of medicines during the war and the Mobile Doctors project.

The Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation launched a rehabilitation program for the military


Every day, wounded fighters who need urgent and high-quality medical care get to hospitals from the front. They courageously defended our country, and now they themselves need protection and attention. Unfortunately, very often cases are complex and require long-term rehabilitation.

To help the wounded servicemen, the Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation signed a contract with the Oberig Universal Clinic Medical Center. As part of the program, wounded defenders will be able to undergo an individual medical rehabilitation program “Rehabilitation of patients with severe disabilities”.

Farmak employees joined the campaign dedicated to World Down Syndrome Day


As part of the campaign dedicated to World Down Syndrome Day, Farmak employees managed to raise 45,000 UAH. Funds were raised through the purchase of colorful socks, which are part of an international action in solidarity for this date. It is simple to join in: you need to wear socks of different colours. They symbolize an unpaired chromosome – and, in addition to a gesture of support, they also make you feel a little part of how it is to be different from the majority. The rejection of people with Down syndrome by society is one of the biggest problems in their normal life.

All funds raised will be directed to families raising children with this syndrome.

We hope that our joint actions will help overcome the prejudices of people with Down syndrome so that they have the opportunity to realize themselves and feel like an equal part of society.