Quality starts with myself
Lyudmyla Saichenko, Head of Occupational Safety and Environment Department, says: «Knowledge, safe methods of work, responsibility and discipline can prevent accidents and save a person’s life.»
For this department, Quality means safe working conditions and minimization of the environmental impact of production – which is a priority for Farmak`s activity.
Lyudmyla Saichenko, Head of Occupational Safety and Environment Department, says: «Knowledge, safe methods of work, responsibility and discipline can prevent accidents and save a person’s life.»
For this department, Quality means safe working conditions and minimization of the environmental impact of production – which is a priority for Farmak`s activity.
In the Occupational Safety and Environment Department work 19 specialists. The structure of the department includes: engineers on labor protection, environmental engineers, specialists of the sanitary and industrial laboratory. They organize and control works on improvement of the working conditions and assuring safety of the workplace of each of the 2,600 Farmak employees.
Before responsibilities the Sanitary and industrial laboratory perform daily selection and control of air and water samples, as well as periodic monitoring of microclimate parameters, noise and illumination.
During the week, the laboratory staff conducts more than 580 tests of samples and carefully monitors that all indicators of the quality of water, the content of harmful substances in the air and atmospheric emissions, microclimate, noise level and illumination in the workplaces are within acceptable limits.

The laboratory has 9 employees. 3 water quality control technicians work shifts so the laboratory works twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. Technician Agafonova L. works in the company the longest – about 46 years. The youngest worker is Chekhov A. – she works at Farmak since 2015.
Workers of the Sanitary and industrial laboratory are joking that some indicators (for example, the content of chlorides, sulphates and ammonia nitrogen in water) can be determined visually with the same precision as the equipment will. But there is no necessity, because the laboratory is equipped with everything needed — from a pipette to a modern spectrophotometer. The laboratory is well illuminated and spacious. There is many greenery and flowers which make the atmosphere good and positive.
The API manufacturing laboratory in Shostka should be mentioned separately. The laboratory was created “from scratch” by the young chemist Chekhovey Anna together with Yesipenko A. – the head of Sanitary and industrial laboratory since 2015. In 2016, Tsykalo L. was hired as laboratory assistant to work in the laboratory.
The results of their work are very important. In addition to all planned test that they carry out additionally they conduct control measurements of the air of the working area, emissions to the atmosphere, the quality of water during the development of new technologies, adjust equipment of the API manufacturing.
In the labor protection service 4 specialists work. One of them is Platsynda P. – the Labor Protection Engineer who has been working at the API Department in Shostka since 2014, when the site was just getting build. During this time he organized labor protection works of the API manufacturing department: received more than 10 permits for more than 200 units of high-risk equipment, organized development and implementation of 4 plans for localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents, organized work to identify the high-risk object and more than 15 expert examinations were carried out in compliance with regulatory enactments on labor protection.
The department personnel is trained, briefed on labor protection and fire safety issues during the work process.The same trainings are carried out by labor safety engineers working on the main site in Kyiv.
Organization of proper working conditions for employees is a manifestation of the Company’s values
One of the Labor Safety departments engineers responsibilities is performing briefings on occupational safety for all persons entering the Company premises. Also, Labor safety engineers organize and conduct trainings, seminars, check and control the working conditions and compliance with safety requirements in the workplace. In average 15 people get brieft daily. So it’s safe to say that everyone’s career in Farmak starts from the labor safety office.
Over environmental issues three environmental engineers work (one from the API Manufacturing Department in Shostka). Their main task – compliance with the legislative requirements in the field of environmental protection and obtaining permits for the company.Environmental engineers are concerned with protection of atmospheric air from harmful emissions as a result of production (which includes timely inventory of emission sources, emission permits, emissions accounting, calculation of environmental taxes on emissions, monitoring of the efficiency of gas treatment plants), issues of obtaining permits for special water use and study of underground water supplies in wells in Shostka, waste management (valuation and recordkeeping of waste and disposal of hazardous waste products).

The department employees constantly support their competences by monitoring changes in the legislation, attend seminars, conferences, exhibitions on occupational and environmental safety. They study the new requirements and changes such as new laws on environmental impact, which came into force in the end of 2017 which were developed in accordance with European standards.
The environmental engineers jointly with chemists of the Sanitary and industrial laboratoryare monitoring hazardous properties of chemicals and substances used in production and make security passports for substances of their own production.
«All environmental projects are conducted by our department and are actively supported by Farmak employees. For example, since 2016, we have collected more than 180 kilograms of batteries, which is almost 9,000 units. If a battery is not recycled it poses a serious threat to the environment. During decomposition (one hundred years) one element can pollute about 20 square meters of land. By introducing the Green Office project, we saved over 18 tons of paper, which is 320 trees that can produce 640 liters of oxygen. This amount of oxygen will be enough to provide human breath for 2 and a half years “- says Lyudmila Saichenko.
By implementing the Green Office project, over 18 tons of paper was saved – which is 320 trees.
Developed precautions and implemented Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001: 2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSE) according to OHSAS 18001: 2010 keep the the quality of work of the department maintained. Within these systems, the planning and supervision procedures of compliance with legislative requirements, risk, occupational safety and environmental aspects. Occupational and environmental safety measures, internal audits, reporting and continuous improvement of these systems are implemented and supported.
Organization of proper working conditions for employees — is a manifestation of the Company’s values, and for «Farmak» — the main values are people, quality and innovations. These values are interconnected and intertwined with one another. Quality starts with people – their working conditions provided by the Company and responsibility for one’s life and health. Farmak has created all the conditions for safe work performance. All employees are provided with sanitary facilities, premises for food reception, supply of drinking water that meets sanitary norms. All Farmak employees are equipped with overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

Farmak`s production is constantly developing and improving — by introduction of new technologies and purchasing new equipment. Many processes are automated — which has a beneficial effect on the conditions and safety of work.
Due to the well-organized Safety management system Farmak JSC had no occupational diseases, fires or accidents (I and I degree) in recent years. Traditionally, the level of occupational injury at work is low. Administrative and public control on labor protection is carried out on a regular basis.
«Our work is first and foremost a responsibility.. On one hand, our responsibility is before more than two thousand people. On the other hand, it is a personal responsibility of every employee and manager for his team. There are no trifles and minor tasks when it comes to labor protection.Timely response to any, even the slightest violation and timely implementation of corrective and preventive measures is a guarantee of safety of each Farmak employee.
Our work is connected to production of finished medicinal products which has special rules and standards. We do not get tired of repeating this to every Farmak employee – added Lyudmila Saichenko.
To be continued…